Price: $2.13
Product ID : CornishRockBroilers-WCRP
Weight: Free Shipping
Welp Hatchery specializes in Cornish Rock Broilers. These are fast growing, meat-type chickens grown and raised by thousands of Americans across the country. We often use the term "explode" when referring to their rapid growth, as they are in the 5-6 pound dressed weight range at 49-56 days.
*Special Restriction Care* please be sure to check out the special feeding instructions for broilers in our Cornish Rock Care Section.
*Special Restriction Care* please be sure to check out the special feeding instructions for broilers in our Cornish Rock Care Section.
Product Reviews
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Reviewed by LollieFay
LollieFay bought "Cornish Rock Broiler - Female"
on our website
06/02/2016 - 05:10:58 PM
Healthy chicks -
I have been raising chickens for decades. I have not had very good luck with mortality over the first 1-3 weeks with other hatcheries. This is the first year I have ordered from Welp. The female cornish chicks I received in late April are the healthiest chicks I have gotten for many years. I ordered 100 chicks and, 6 weeks later, I have 99 chicks left. I have just placed another order for the end of June. Thank you, Welp!
Reviewed by LollieFay
LollieFay bought "Cornish Rock Broiler - Female"
on our website
06/02/2016 - 05:10:58 PM
Healthy chicks -
I have been raising chickens for decades. I have not had very good luck with mortality over the first 1-3 weeks with other hatcheries. This is the first year I have ordered from Welp. The female cornish chicks I received in late April are the healthiest chicks I have gotten for many years. I ordered 100 chicks and, 6 weeks later, I have 99 chicks left. I have just placed another order for the end of June. Thank you, Welp!
Reviewed by powdercreek
06/06/2013 - 11:50:53 PM
06/06/2013 - 11:50:53 PM
tasty, tender meat making machine
Super fast growing meat chicken. I have ordered Cornish x pullets from Welp the last three years and will order again. We prefer the pullets over cockerels, they seem to be more tender and not aggressive. Make sure this breed gets enough exercise to work their leg muscles as they are prone to break legs. Same grown by commercial farmers but grow them yourself and you will taste the difference!