Magpie Ducks are kept primarily for their beauty and for exhibition, but are also useful as a dual-purpose breed for meat and eggs. They are great foragers. As babies, they are black and yellow. When mature they are attractive with their black and white colors, and yellow bills and orange feet. They weigh around 4 lbs. at 12 to 15 weeks. CANNOT BE SHIPPED TO FLORIDA DUE TO STATE REGULATION.
Product Reviews
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Reviewed by laurelbowen
laurelbowen bought "Magpie Duck - Straight Run"
on our website
06/08/2020 - 09:32:26 AM
High Quality
My Magpie ducks are a year old now. They well-marked and very healthy. They are excellent layers and I was able to hatch a huge batch of 25 this spring with a 100% hatch rate.
Reviewed by Ivyseggs
09/03/2015 - 11:27:02 AM
09/03/2015 - 11:27:02 AM
Magpie are very hard to get, and even harder to get good ones. When our 30 ducklings arrived I was thrilled to see that many were marked very well and 2 can even be shown. They have grown very well, are very healthy and oddly enough for a hatchery, very good breed type. Im thrilled with the over all health and quality of the ducks and would defiantly order these again from Welps. (Ordered via our feed store, Feeders Grain in Corning Iowa)