Price: $5.70
Product ID : RareBrahmaDk-HDBP
Weight: Free Shipping
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Dark Brahmas lay brown eggs, are dual-purpose and are large, quiet chickens. The breed originates from India and were orginally bred for meat, but they grow too slowly to be a "meat bird". They are heat tolerant, friendly and broody. Babies are brownish-black with stripes on their backs. Mature males have striking plumage in a black and silvery-white and females have a beautiful, silver penciled, steel-gray. They have a massive body, pea comb, and fully feathered shanks and toes. The typical weight for females is 9.5 lbs. and for males is 12 lbs.
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Reviewed by bought "Brahma - Dark - Female"
on our website
12/11/2020 - 10:35:24 AM
Arrived in perfect condition
Ordered 5 dark brahma female chicks in a total order of 25 chicks, all arrived alive and appear healthy and active. Did not receive any extras but since they all survived shipping that is not a problem! Will follow up as they grow, seem to be nice quality with correct coloring for this breed and well feathered legs.