Price: $4.75
Product ID : AsstBrwnEgg-ABP-HO
Weight: Free Shipping
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Hatchery choice of any of the breeds we offer that are brown egg producing. Although we cannot specify number or breed, we can guarantee they will be top quality chicks!
Product Reviews
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Reviewed by MBVoelker
08/30/2022 - 03:16:56 PM
08/30/2022 - 03:16:56 PM
Some Interesting Breeds
I ordered these to fill out the minimums and got some interesting breeds, including a Lavender Orpington (with minimal feather shredding), and some Mottled Java.
All healthy and active. It was fun figuring out which was which.
All healthy and active. It was fun figuring out which was which.
Reviewed by missjekyl
03/06/2013 - 09:47:20 AM
03/06/2013 - 09:47:20 AM
With such an early season order (FEB) we are happy to have the little girls under the heat lamp! There is a good variety, looks to be about three different types. No way to tell for real until they're feathered out. In our 25 chick order all but 1 made the transition and the rest are 1 week old now. Thanks Welp! (Our first shipment did not make it, but this was not Welp's fault at all (USPS) and Customer Service was great about getting replacements sent out ASAP!)