California - White - Female

California - White - Female
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Price: $5.05
Product ID : CalWhite-HCWP
Weight: Free Shipping


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Marek's Immunization
Coccidiosis Spray
Min/Max Order: 5 / -


California White chickens are excellent layers for small and medium sized flocks. They lay white eggs, are fast-growing and are very quiet. As a cross between a California Grey male and a White Leghorn female, they have a superior hybrid vigor that results in excellent livability. These birds are easy to handle and they stand both the cold and confinement well. California Whites are light yellow with black flecks as babies and are white with black flecks when mature. Typically, females weigh 5 lbs. and males 6 lbs.

Product Reviews

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Reviewed by sethbb6030
03/07/2015 - 05:11:46 PM
Great layers of Large white eggs
I like these hens for their large to extra large white eggs laying at top notch for about 3 years. These hens are calmer than the white leghorn and not as flighty when you go into the hen house or gather eggs out of the nest. They do well running free range but if your area has hawks they show up more than the darker breeds. I would recommend this breed to anyone who has kids and gentle calm and collective personality's.
Reviewed by sethbb6030
03/07/2015 - 05:11:46 PM
Great layers of Large white eggs
I like these hens for their large to extra large white eggs laying at top notch for about 3 years. These hens are calmer than the white leghorn and not as flighty when you go into the hen house or gather eggs out of the nest. They do well running free range but if your area has hawks they show up more than the darker breeds. I would recommend this breed to anyone who has kids and gentle calm and collective personality's.
Reviewed by terri9630
04/21/2013 - 10:42:55 PM
Wonderful birds.
These are good foragers and lay large white eggs. I've had mine for 3 years now and they are still laying strong.

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