Leghorn - Single Comb Brown - Straight Run

Leghorn - Single Comb Brown - Straight Run
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Price: $4.00
Product ID : SglCombDanishBrLeghorn-HBLS
Weight: Free Shipping


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Marek's Immunization
Coccidiosis Spray
Min/Max Order: 5 / -


Brown Leghorns lay large white eggs. They are heat tolerant, active foragers and are great for free-range farming. The breed matures quickly. Babies are brown with two light brown streaks down their backs. They have single combs and clean, yellow legs and toes. Mature Brown Leghorns have bright red combs, faces and wattles. They also have horn colored beaks, reddish bay eyes and white ears. Males have orange-red heads. The typical weight for females is 4.3 lbs. and for males is 6 lbs.

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