Leghorn - White - Female

Leghorn - White - Female
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Price: $4.80
Product ID : WhtLeghorn-WHWP
Weight: Free Shipping


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Marek's Immunization
Coccidiosis Spray
Min/Max Order: 5 / -


White Leghorns are small-bodied birds that perform extremely well in cages or on the floor in well-managed housing. They are very efficient and pullets can be raised on 15 lbs. of feed or less up to 20 weeks. On just 3.89 lbs. of feed, hens can produce one dozen eggs (white). White Leghorns are heat tolerant. As babies, they are light yellow and become all white when mature. The typical weight for females is 4 lbs. and for males is 6 lbs.

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Reviewed by jtimes7
jtimes7 bought "Leghorn - White - Female" on our website
03/14/2015 - 04:29:03 PM
Ordered 5 of these and they all arrived on time and healthy! Can't wait until they start laying.

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