Price: $4.00
Product ID : NewHampRed-NHRS
Weight: Free Shipping
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New Hampshire Reds are brown egg layers. Developed in the state of New Hampshire, they were at one time the leading breed used for the production of broiler meat. This breed is heat tolerant and stands confinement well. They are much lighter than Rhode Island Reds and are a uniform light red with light chests and wing tips as chicks. When mature, they are a rich chestnut with a black tail. They mature early and are of heavy weight. Females typically weigh 6.5 lbs. and males are typically 8.5 lbs.
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Reviewed by jraupp
jraupp bought "New Hampshire Red - Straight Run"
on our website
07/22/2020 - 08:01:08 PM
New Hampshire Stright Run
I ordered 15 New Hampshire chicks and 10 Speckled Sussex. I had 1 arrive dead flat as a pancake. Assuming they piled. They looked chilled and I could NOT put enough heat in them. Brooder just wouldn't go higher. I added a second heat lamp to stop the piling. Local Central Sort Facility had them for 36 hours according to scan before shipping. I'm assuming they were in the Air Conditioning. I lost 2 more to piling. After 3 days to get the chill out of them they took off. 3 weeks old haven't 1 since. Happy healthy chicks doing great growing like weeds. Will order from Welp again. Thinking some Rhode Island Reds in the mix.
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