Price: $7.07
Product ID : oliveegger-OEP
Weight: Free Shipping
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Olive Eggers are excellent layers that produce eggs ranging in shades of green, including sage, olive and dark green. They are a cross between Copper Marans and Ameraucanas. Birds vary in color with most being black with gold around the neck. Babies are mixed black and dark gray. Mature females typically weigh 4.5 lbs. and males typically weigh 5 lbs.
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Reviewed by Raybord69
Raybord69 bought "Olive Egger - Female"
on our website
05/06/2018 - 07:08:10 PM
Olive eggers great deal
5 of these hybird gals they like to peck at my finger seem to be quite inquisative a 5 star addition to my flock ..very plump gals happy and healthy