Welsummer - Straight Run

Welsummer - Straight Run
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Price: $4.30
Product ID : RareWelsummer-WS
Weight: Free Shipping


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Welsummers lay dark reddish-brown eggs and are dual-purpose birds. The breed developed in Holland in the 20th century. They are non-setters, generally cold hardy and economical eaters. Birds are moderately early maturing and are considered good foragers. Welsummers are easy to handle, friendly and lively, but not especially flighty. Male plumage is very different from the female plumage. The male's saddle, head and neck feathers are rich golden-brown.  The back, wing front and wing bows are bright reddish-brown. Each feather of the back of the females is reddish brown, stippled with black, and has a distinct lighter shaft. Babies are yellow with dark brown stripes on their backs. The typical weight for females is 5 lbs. and for males is 6 lbs.

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