Price: $4.00
Product ID : WyandotteSlrLaced-SWS
Weight: Free Shipping
Silver Laced Wyandottes are brown egg layers also used for their meat. Of Amerian origin, they are the original variety of the Wyandotte breed and the most popular variety. They are cold hardy, broody and are good foragers. The general appearance of Wyandotte is a short, deep, wide-bodied bird. The unusual, striking color pattern and docile nature are the characteristics that make this variety popular. As babies, they are black to light silvery-gray, with contrasting light and dark stripes on their backs. Mature birds are silvery-white and greenish-black. Their feathers are edged with contrasting colors. The typical weight for females is 5.5 lbs. and for males is 6.5 lbs.