GroGel Plus-B

GroGel Plus-B
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Price: $2.49
Product ID : GroGelB-GGPB
Weight: 0.02 lbs
Shipping Price: $5.00



GROGEL PLUS-B is the answer to the never-ending problem of dehydration in freshly hatched poultry. It not only acts as an attractant to the feed, but it also provides first day nutrition for baby poultry. After mixing with water, it forms a green, shiny, high-moisture gel that’s packed with protein, energy, vitamins and probiotic bacteria. Hatchlings really go for it. It is recommended to be given to hatchlings on the first day they arrive on the farm so that they can be off to a good start. To mix: just add about ½ cup (100 ml) of water and stir. That ½ cup is enough for 100 chicks or turkey poults, 200 pheasant chicks or duckling, or 400 quail chicks.

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