Game Bird Care

These types of poultry can be started much as we outline for baby chicks. Each of these birds should be started on a 28-30% Turkey Starter or Game bird feed. If neither of these feeds can be found, they can be started on 20-22% Chick Starter. At 8 weeks of age, switch them from Gamebird/Turkey Starter to an 18-20% Grower. As you might expect, going with the higher protein feeds will speed the growth of these types of fowl. However, if they are not available, the Chick Starter and Grower feeds will do the job for you.

With all types of poultry, it is important that Guineas be kept out of the waterers. If you experience the birds getting into the waterers and getting soaked, place some small rocks or marbles in the drinking trough. This will normally solve the problem.


28% Game bird or Turkey Starter with Amprolium

Feed 0-4 weeks of age

Use a Mini crumble - observe that particles are small enough (if they are not, use a food processor to grind feed into smaller particles)

19-21% Breeder or Grower/Maintenance

Feed after 4-5 weeks of age

Use a regular crumble or mini pellet

*Please provide with as much feed and water as birds would like to consume.

0 – 2.5 weeks of age

Raise under brooder or heat lamp. Chicks should have radiant heat of 100-degrees F directly under the lamp and 95F around the outside of the lamp. Use a thermometer or heat gun to check the temperature. Keep chicks at 95-degrees F for the first 7 days then drop 1-degree Fahrenheit daily as long as chick behavior is healthy.

Over 2.5 weeks of age

When they have most of their feathering and birds are circling away from the heat light, you may remove the heat lamp. Keep room temperature around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. You may begin to drop temperature 1-2 degrees daily to reach the temperature of where birds will be placed permanently.

Egg Production and Breeding

Female Coturnix quail will begin laying eggs at 6-8 weeks of age. To promote egg laying the bird must have ample day length. If you want the birds to breed it is recommended to run them 5 females to 1 male. 

Meat Production

Males are great for meat production or breeding. They are ready to process at 8 weeks of age. 

Square Inches per Bird

Females Only: 46 sq in per bird
Breeding: 64 sq in per bird

28% Game bird or Turkey Starter with Amprolium

Feed 0-8 weeks of age

Use a Mini crumble - observe that particles are small enough (if they are not, use a food processor to grind feed into smaller particles)

22% Game bird or Turkey Grower
Feed 8-15 weeks

Use a regular crumble or mini pellet

19% Game bird or Turkey Finisher/Maintainer

Feed after 15 weeks of age

Use a mini pellet

Breeding: Feed 21% Game bird of Turkey Breeder

*Please provide with as much feed and water as birds would like to consume.

0 – 8 weeks of age

Raise under brooder or heat lamp. Chicks should have radiant heat of 100-degrees F directly under the lamp and 95-degrees F around the outside of the lamp. Use a thermometer or heat gun to check the temperature. Keep chicks at 95-degrees F for the first 7 days then drop 1-degree Fahrenheit daily as long as chick behavior is healthy.

Over 8 weeks

When they have most of their feathering, usually around 6-8 weeks, birds can go outside. Make sure no rain is forecasted for at least 3- 4 days and that birds are acclimated to the same temperature outside. Birds should have ample plant cover or shelter and should be in a pen or cage that has a roof. Please provide birds with plenty of hiding spots, food, water, and sunlight.  

Release Information

Northern Bobwhite Quail maybe be released at 16 weeks of age at maturity. To increase the success rate, release in an area that has plenty of food over winter and cover for the birds. Please contact your local wildlife management for more information.


28% Game bird or Turkey Starter (30% is even better)

It should be something fresh, feed tends to lose vitamins after sitting on the shelf after a year or two. So do research on your feed. You get what you pay for.

1day to 6 weeks age will consume 2lbs total per bird and after 6 weeks to maturity will consume approx. 1lb. per week per bird. 

*Please provide with as much feed and water as birds would like to consume.


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