Dark Rouen Ducks lay blue green to almost white eggs. They are similar to the Mallard Duck, but are a bit heavier and meatier. These ducks are broody and friendly. Their beautiful colors make them excellent show birds. As babies they are black with yellow stripes on their heads, white on their breasts, and black on their beaks and feet. Mature females are a mahogany brown with penciling of greenish-black or brown. Mature males have lustrous green heads and necks, purplish-brown chests and steel gray penciling on their upper bodies. They grow to 6 to 8 lbs. in 12 to 15 weeks. CANNOT BE SHIPPED TO FLORIDA DUE TO STATE REGULATION
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Reviewed by Ivyseggs
09/03/2015 - 11:29:44 AM
09/03/2015 - 11:29:44 AM
Very nice
We ordered 20 of these a few months back. They are wonderfully healthy. We had zero loss! They have been fast growing, forage well and are HUGE. One even came with a top hat :) Would order these again, we have had great luck with them. Ordered through our feed store.
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Product ID : DuckAsstRunner-ARD-MT
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